1.Find the number of factors that the number 2025 has.
  a)12  b)13    c)15    d)14
2.In how many ways can 14630 be writen as the product of two factors
  a)14  b)15    c)23    d)16
3.Find the largest 3 digit multiple of 28.
  a)980 b)987   c)986   d)578
4.Find the smallest number which when divided by 4 or 7 leaves a
  remainder of 3 in each case and the number being greater than the
  two divisors
  a)30  b)76    C)21    d)31
5.Find the largest four digit number which when divided by 5 and 9
  gives remainders of 3 and 7 respectively
  a)8899       b)9988  c)9898  d)8989
6.Find the smallest number which when divided by 7 leaves a remainder
  of 6 and when divided by 11 leaves a remainder of 8
  a)40  b)20    c)59    d)41
7.Find the remainder of the division 3^42/4
  a)0   b)1     c)2     d)3
8.Which of the following is divisible by 19?
  a)614120     b)860472       c)921194       d)998777
9.What should be added to 475935 so that it becomes a multiple of 11?
  a)2   b)3     c)7     d)8
10.What should be subracted from 478185 so that it becomes a multiple
   of 19?
  a)7   b)8     c)10    d)12
11.There are some sweets with me.If i distribute them equally among 10,
   16 or 20 children,i would be left with one sweet in each case.If i
   distribute the sweets equally among 20 children,I do not have any
   sweets left with me.How many sweets do i have?
  a)92  b)115   c)150   d)161
12.What is the largest number which,divides 288,528 and 708, and leave
   the same remainder in each case?
  a)30  b)60    c)75    d)150
13.What is the smallest five digit number which when divided by 7,11 and
   21 leaves a reminder of 5 in each case?
  a)10164      b)10169 c)10118 d)10123
14.From a certain city,buses start for four different places every 15,20,
   25 and 30 minutes starting from 8 a.m.At what time,for the first time
   after 8 a.m. would all the buses start together again?
  a)10 a.m     b)12 noon      c)1 p.m d)2 p.m
15.A number when divided by 928 leaves a reminder 244.What would be the
   reminder when the number is divided by 58?
  a)8   b)12    c)17    d)23
16.When a three digit number is divided by 64484 and 62767,the remainder
   is the same in both the cases.What is the remainder?
  a)101 b)458   c)757   d)cannot be determined
17.if x+1/x = 4 , find the value of x^4-1/x^4(x>1)
  a)112 b)112sqrt3     c)224   d)none of these
18.Which of the following is a perfect square?
  a)20,734     b)61,504       c)71,295       d)77,286
19.How many digits are there in the smallest number containing all 9's
   which is divisible by 13?
  a)4   b)5     c)6     d)8
20.If the number 7448x24y is divisible by 72,find the value of x-y given
   x not equal to y
  a)5   b)7     c)8     d)none of these
21.The difference of a four digit number and any number formed by permutin
   its digits would always be divisible by
  a)18  b)11    c)10    d)9
22.Find a number such that it exceeds 18 by three times the number by which
   it is less than 86
  a)32  b)69    c)54    d)67
23.Find the smallest number,which when divided by 31 leaves as remainder 7
  and when divided by 25 leaves a remainder 6
  a)106 b)81    c)131   d)162
24.Find the greatest number with which when 565,847 and 1551 are divided,
   the respective remainders are 5,7 and 11
  a)70  b)140   c)170   d)210
25.Find the remainder when 3^50 is divided by 11
  a)1   b)6     c)7     d)cannot be determined
26.Find the smallest number which when increased by 5 is divisible by 36,
   108,126 and 198
  a)4422       b)8311  c)7764  d)6867
27.What is the minimum number of identical square tiles required to cover
   a floor of dimensions 3 m 78 cm by 4 m 80 cm
  a)3200       b)5040  c)7600  d)8100
28.The HCF and LCM of a pair of numbers are 11 and 1001 resp.Find the smaller
   of the two numbers given that their sum is 220
  a)11  b)33    c)55    d)77
29.Find the greatest power of 20,which can divide 200!
  a)10  b)49    c)98    d)104
30.Find the number of factors of the number 46200
  a)64  b)78    c)96    d)106
31.Find the highest power of 5 contained in 250!
  a)50  b)62    c)78    d)84
32.Find the largest five digit number which when divided by 8 leaves remainder 3
   and when divided by 7 leaves remainder 1?
  a)99948      b)99953 c)99960 d)99947
33.When the numbers 5,7 and 11 divide a multiple of 17,the remainders left are
   ,respectively,4,6 and 10.Which multiple of 17 gives the least number that
   satisfies the given condition?
  a)384 b)317   c)385   d)none of these
34.How many times the HCF , of the fractions 3/14,6/35 and 16/21 is their LCM?
  a)1440       b)144   c)210   d)48
35.What is the maximum number of ways in which the number 11025 can be expressed
   as the product of a pair of co prime factors
  a)1   b)2     c)4     d)8
36.What is the number of different ways in which the number 784 can be expressed
   as a product of the two different factors?
  a)8   b)7     c)2     d)none of these
37.What is the sum of all the coprimes of 24,which are less than 24?
  a)96  b)72    c)52    d)144
38.How many co prime of 53 are there between 29 and 41,including the two numbers?
  a)23  b)13    c)36    d)none of these
39.What is the HCF of the numbers represented by n(n^2 + 20), n being an even
  a)16  b)12    c)8     d)48
40.When a three digit number is divided by 64484 and 62767,the remainder
   is the same in both the cases.What is the remainder?
  a)101 b)458   c)757   d)cannot be determined

1.Find the angle between the hands of a clock when the time is 3:20
  a)20  b)30    c)40    d)50
2.At what time between 4 and 5'o clock will the 2 hands of a clock be
  at an angle of 60 degrees with each other?
  a)4:10 10/11 b)4:32 8/11    c)both a and b d)none of these
3.Find the time at which the hands of a clock are at right angles
  between 7 and 8'o clock?
  a)7:21 9/11  b)7:54 6/11    c)both a & b   d)none of these
4.Find the time at which the hands of a clock are exactly opposite
  directions between 8 and 9'o clock?
  a)8:10 10/11 b)8:02  c)8:3/11       d)none of these
5.At what time between 2 and 3'o clock are the hands of a clock together?
  a)2:10       b)2:10 10/11   c)2:10 10/12   d)none
6.In 24 hours,how many times do the two hands of a clock coincide?
  a)20 times   b)21 times     c)22 times     d)23 times
7.If the hands of a clock coincide every 65 minutes,how much time does the
  clock gain or lose per day?
  a)10 100/146 b)10 100/145   c)10 100/156   d)10 100/143
8.In a country R,clocks are manufactured in a special way.The total area
  covered by the hour hand in 2 days is 2/3rd of the total area covered
  by the minute hand in one day.What is the ratio of the length of the minute
  hand to the length of the hour hand?
  a)1:2 b)2:1   c)4:1   d)1:4
9.There are two clocks,which are set to correct time on sunday at 12 noon.The
  first clock gains 2 1/2 minutes every hour while the second clock loses 1 1/2
  minutes every hour.When will they be 2 hours apart?
  a)Monday 9 p.m       b)Tuesday 12 midnight  c)Monday 6 p.m d)Tuesday 6 a.m
10.A watch which is set correctly at 12 noon on sunday shows 6:20 a.m on Monday
   when the correct time is 6:00 a.m.If the correct time is 6:00 p.m. on tuesday,
   what time does the clock show?
  a)6:45 p.m   b)7:00 p.m     c)7:30 p.m     d)8:00 p.m
11.At what time between 1 and 2'o clock are the two hands coincident?
  a)1:12 5/11  b)1:07 5/11    c)1:05 5/11    d)1:08 5/11
12.Ajay started a test at a certain time between 5 and 6 and ended between 6 and 7.
   He observed that the minutes and hours hands when he ended the test had inter-
   changed their positions with those when he started.How much time did he take for
   the test?
  a)52 3/11    b)55 5/13      c)47 4/9       d)45 min
13.A clock is started at noon.By 10 minutes past 5,the hour hand has turned through
  a)145 deg    b)150 deg      c)155 deg      d)160 deg
14.An accurate clock shows 8'o clock in the morning.Through how many degrees will
   the hour hand rotate when the clock show 2'o clock in the afternoon?
  a)144 deg    b)150 deg      c)168 deg      d)180 deg
15.At 3:40 the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock form an angle of
  a)120 b)125   c)130   d)135
16.The angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock when the time is
   8:30 is
  a)80  b)75    c)60    d)105
17.The angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock when the time is
   4:20 is
  a)0   b)10    c)5     d)20
18.At what angle the hands of a clock are inclined at 15 minutes past 5?
  a)58 1/2     b)64    c)67 1/2       d)72 1/2
19.The reflex angle between the hands of a clock at 10:25 is
  a)180 b)192 1/2      c)195   d)197 1/2
20.How many times do the hands of a clock coincide in a day?
  a)20  b)21    c)22    d)24
21.How many times do the hands of  a clock are straight?
  a)22  b)24    c)44    d)48
22.How many  times are theh hands of a clock at right angle in a day?
   a)22 b)24    c)44    d)48
23.How many times in a day,are the hands of a clock in straight line but opposite in
   a)20 b)22    c)24    d)48
24.How much does a watch lose per day,if its hands coincide every 60 minutes?
   a)32 8/11   b)36 5/11      c)90 min       d)96 min
25.At what time,in minutes , between 3'o clock and 4'o clock , both the needles will
   coincide each other?
   a)5 1/11    b)12 4/11      c)13 4/11      d)16 4/11
26.At what time between 9 and 10'o clock will the hands of a watch be together?
   a)45 min past 9     b)50 min past 9 c)49 1/11past9 d)48 2/11 past 9
27.At what time between 7 and 8'o clock will the hands of a clock be in the same
   straight line but,not together?
   a)5 min.past 7      b)5 2/11 past 7 c)5 3/11 past 7 d)5 5/11 past 7
28.At what time between 4 and 5'o clock will the handle of a watch point to opposite
   a)45 min past 4     b)40 min past 4 c)50 4/11 past 4       d)54 6/11 min past4
29.At what time between 5:30 and 6 will the hands of a clock be at right angles?
   a)43 5/11   b)43 7/11 past 5       c)cannot be determined d)none
30.A watch which gains uniformly in 2 min low at noon on monday and is 4 min.48sec fast
   at 2 pp.m.on the following monday.when was it correct?
   a)2 p.m on tuesday
   b)2 p.m on wednesday
   c)3 p.m on thursday
   d)1 p.m on friday
31.A watch which gains 5 seconds in 3 minutes was set right at 7 a.m.In the afternoon
   of the same day,when the watch indicated quarter past 4'o clock,the true time is
   a)59 7/12 past 3    b)4 p.m c)5 p.m d)7 p.m
32.A clock is set right at 8 a.m.The clock gains 10 minutes in 24 hours.What will be
   the true time whne the clock indicates 1 p.m on the following day?
   a)48 min past 12    b)48 min       c)47 min past 4 d)none
33.A clock is set right at 5 a.m.The clock loses 16 min in 24 hours.What will be the
   true time when the clock indicates 10 p.m on 4th day?
   a)12 p.m    b)1 p.m c)1 a.m d)11 p.m
34.The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 65 min of the
   correct time.How much a day does the clock gain or lose?
   a)10 10/43 in 24 hrs        b)10 10/23 in 24 hrs   c)10 10/34 in 24 hrs   d)none
35.Find the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock when the time is
   a)42 b)45    c)47 1/2       d)73
36.At what time between 2 and 3'o clock will the hands of a clock be together?
   a)10 10/11 min past 2       b)10 10/11 past 3      c)10 10/11 past4       d)none
37.At what time between 4 and 5'o clock will the hands of a clock be at right angle?
   a) 5 5/11 min past 4        b)38 2/11 min past 4   c)both a&b     d)none
38.At what time between 4 and 5'o clock will the hands of a clock be at right angle?
   a) 5 5/11 min past 4        b)38 2/11 min past 4   c)both a&b     d)none
39.Find at what time between 8 and 9'o clock will the hands of a clock be in the same
   straight line but not together
   a)10 10/11 min past 8       b)10 10/11 past7       c)10 10/11past2 d)none
40.At what time between 5 and 6'o clock are the hands of a clock 3 minutes apart?
   a)31 5/11 min past 5
   b)31 5/18 min past 5
   c)31 5/19 min past 5
   d)31 5/16 min past 5
1.A train 100 m long is running at a speed of 30 kmph.Find the time taken by it
  to pass a man standing near the railway line
  a)12 sec     b)13 sec       c)14 sec       d)15 sec
2.Two trains 100 m and 120m long are running in the same direction with speeds of
  72 kmph and 54 kmph.In how much time will the first train cross the second?
  a)40 sec     b)44 sec       c)72 sec       d)30 sec
3.How long does a train 110 m long running at a speed of 72 kmph take to cross a
  bridge 132 m in length?
  a)9.8 sec    b)12.1 sec     c)12.42 sec    d)14.3 sec
4.A train travelling at a speed of 75 mph enters a tunnel 3 1/2  miles long.The
  train is 1/4 mile long.How long does it take for the train to pass through the
  tunnel from the moment the front enters to the moment the rear emerges?
  a)2.5 min    b)3 min c)3.2 min      d)3.5 min
5.A train speeds past a pole in 15 seconds and a platform 100 m log in 25 seconds.
  Its length is
  a)50 m       b)150 m c)200m  d)data inadequate
6.A train passes a station platform  in 36 seconds and a man standing on the plat
  form in 20 seconds.If the speed of the train is 54 kmph,what is the length of the
  a)120m       b)240m  c)300 m d)none of these
7.Two trains are running in opposite directions with the same speed.If the length of
  each train is 120 m and they cross each other in 12 seconds,then the speed of each
  train is
  a)10  b)18    c)36    d)72
8.A 270 m long train running at the speed of 120 kmph crosses another train running
  in opposite direction at the speed of 80 kmph in 9 seconds.What is the length of
  the other train?
  a)230 m      b)240 m c)260 m d)320 m
9.A 300 m long train crosses a platform in 39 seconds while it crosses a signal pole
  in 18 seconds.What is the length of the platform?
  a)320 m      b)350 m c)650 m d)none of these
10.A train crosses a platform 100 m long in 60 seconds at a speed of 45 kmph.The time
   taken by the train to cross an electric pole is
  a)8 sec      b)52 sec       c)1 minute     d)data inadequate
11.Two trains of equal length are running on parallel lines in the same direction at
   46 kmph and 36 kmph respectively.The faster train passes the slower train in 36 sec.
   The length of each train is
  a)50m b)72    c)80    d)82
12.A train of length 150 m takes 40.5 seconds to cross a tunnel of length 300 metres.What
   is the speed of the train in kmph?
  a)13.33      b)26.67 c)40    d)66.67
13.Two goods train each 500 m long are running in opposite directions so parallel tracks.
   Their speeds are 45 kmph and 30 kmph respectively.Find the time taken by the slower train
   to pass the driver of the first one
  a)12 sec     b)24 sec       c)48 sec       d)60 sec
14.Two trains one from howrah to patna and the other from patna to howrah,start simultaneously.
   After they meet,the trains reach their destinations after 9 hours and 16 hours respectively.
   The ratio of their speeds is
   a)2:3       b)4:3   c)6:7   d)9:16
15.The length of a train and that of a platform are equal.If with a speed of 90 kmph the train
   crosses the platform in one minute,then  the length of the train in metres is
   a)500       b)600   c)750   d)900
16.A train 110 m long passes a man,running at 6 kmph in the direction opposite to that of
   the train,in 6 seconds.The speed of the train is
   a)54 kmph   b)60 kmph      c)66 kmph      d)72 kmph
17.A train X starts from Meerut at 4 p.m and reaches Ghaziabad at 5 p.m while another train
   Y starts from Ghaziabad at 4 p.m and reaches Meerut at 5:30 p.m.The two trains will
   cross each other at:
   a)4:36 p.m  b)4:42 p.m     c)4:48 p.m     d)4:50 p.m
18.A goods train runs at a speed of 72 kmph and crosses a 250 m long platform in 26 seconds.
   What is the length of the goods train?
   a)230 m     b)240 m c)260 m d)270 m
19.A train 120 m long passes a man,runnin at 5 kmph in the same direction in which the train
   is going,in 10 seconds.The speed of the train is
   a)45 kmph   b)50 kmph      c)54 kmph      d)55 kmph
20.Two stations A and B are 110 km apart on a straight line.One train starts from A at 7 a.m
   and travels towards B at 20 kmph.Another train starts from B at 8 a.m and travels towards
   A at a speed of 25 kmph.At what time will they meet?
   a)9 a.m     b)10 a.m       c)10:30 a.m    d)11 a.m
21.A train 800 m long is running at a speed of 78 kmph.If it crosses a tunnel in 1 minute,
   then the length of the tunnel(in meters) is
   a)130       b)360   c)500   d)540
22.Two trains are moving in opposite direction @ 60 kmph and 90 kmph.Their lengths are 1.10
   km and 0.9 km respectively.The time taken by the slower train to cross the faster train in
   seconds is
   a)36 b)45    c)48    d)49
23.Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform in 27 seconds
   and 17 seconds respectively and they cross each other in 23 seconds.The ratio of their
   speeds is
   a)1:3       b)3:2   c)3:4   d)none of these
24.A train travellin 48 kmph completely crosses another train having half its length and
   travelling in opposite direction at 4 kmph,in 12 seconds.It also passes a railway platform
   in 45 seconds.The length of the platform is
   a)400 m     b)450 m c)560 m d)600 m
25.The length of the bridge , which  a train 130 m long and travelling at 45 kmph can cross
   in 30 seconds is
   a)200 m     b)225 m c)245 m d)250 m
26.A train 110 m long is runnig with a speed of 60 kmph .In what time will it pass a man who
   is running at 6 kmph in the direction opposite to that in which the train is going?
   a)5 sec     b)6 sec c)7 sec d)10 sec
27.A jogger running at 9 kmph alongside a railway track is 240 m ahead of the engine of a 120
   m long train running at 45 kmph in the same direction.In how much time will the train pass
   the jogger>
   a)3.6 sec   b)18 sec       c)36 sec       d)72 sec
28.Two trains of equal length take 10 seconds and 15 seconds respectively to cross a telegraph
   post.If the length of each train be 120 m,in what time(in seconds)will they cross each other
   travelling in opposite direction
   a)10 b)12    c)15    d)20
29.A train 108 m long moving at a speed of 50 kmph crosses a train 112 m long coming from opp
   direction in 6 seconds.The speed of the second train is
   a)48 kmph   b)54 kmph      c)66 kmph      d)82 kmph
30.A train moves past a telegraph post and a bridge 264 m long in 8 seconds and  20 seconds
   respectively.What is the speed of the train?
   a)69.5 kmph b)70 kmph      c)79 kmph      d)79.2 kmph
31.A train X speeding with 120 kmph crosses another train Y,running in the same direction,in
   2 min.If the lengths of the trains X and Y be 100 m and 200 m respectively.What is the
   speed of train Y?
   a)111 kmph  b)123 kmph     c)127 kmph     d)129 kmph
32.Two trains travel in opposite directions at 36 kmph and 45 kmph and a man sitting in slower
   train passes the faster train in 8 seconds.The length of the faster train is
   a)80 m      b)100 m       c)120 m d)180 m
33.A train takes 18 seconds to pass completely through a station 162 m long and 15 seconds through
   another station 120 m long.The length of the train is
   a)70 m      b)80 m  c)90 m  d)100m
34.Two trains are running at 40 kmph and 20 kmph respectively in the same direction.Fast train
   completely passes a man sitting in the slower train in 5 seconds.What is the length of the
   fast trian?
   a)23 m      b)23 2/9 m     c)27m   d)27 7/9m
35.A train overtakes two persons who are walking in the same direction in which the train is going,
   at the rate of 2 kmph and 4 kmph and passes them completely in 9 and 10 seconds respectively.
   The length of the train is
   a)45 m      b)50m   c)54 m  d)72 m
36.How many seconds will a 500 m long train take to cros a man walking with a speed of 3 kmph in
   the direction of the moving train if the speed of the train is 63 kmph
   a)25 b)30    c)40    d)45
37.A train 360 m long is running at a speed of 45 kmph.In what time will it pass a bridge 140 m
   a)40 sec    b)42 sec       c)45 sec       d)48 sec
38.A train running at a speed of 60 kmph crosses a pole in 9 seconds.What is the length of the
   a)120 m     b)180 m c)cannot be determined         d)none of these
39.Two trains each 100 m long moving in opposite direction ,cross each other in 8 seconds.If
   one is moving twice as fast as other,then the speed of the faster train is
   a)30 kmph   b)45 kmph      c)60 kmph      d)75 kmph
40.A train 150 m long passes a km stone in 15 seconds and another train of the same length
   travelling in opposite direction in 8 seconds.The speed of the second train is
   a)60 kmph   b)66 kmph      c)72 kmph      d)99 kmph

1.If 20 men take 30 days to complete a job.In how many days can 25 men complete the job?
  a)28 days    b)24 days      c)36 days      d)20 days
2.Fifteen men take 10 days to complete a job working 12 hours a day.How many hours a day
  should 10 men work to complete the job in 20 days?
  a)20 days    b)8 days       c)9 days       d)10 days
3.A piece of work can be done by 16 men in 8 days working 12 hours a day.How many men are
  needed to complete another work, which is three times the first one,in 24 days working 8
  hours a day?
  a)24 men     b)29 men       c)20 men       d)30 men
4.A can do a piece of work in 9 days.,B can do the same in 12 days.In how many days can the
  work be completed if A and B work together?
  a)5 1/9 days b)5 1/4 days   c)5 1/3 days   d)5 1/7 days
5.A and B together can do a piece of work in 12 days and A alone can complete the work in 18
  days. How long will B alone take to complete the job?
  a)30 days    b)36 days      c)6 days       d)56 days
6.Anil and Amit can complete a job in 12 days working together. Amit alone can complete it in
  16 days.Both of them worked together for 4 days and then Amit left. How long will Anil take
  to complete the remaining work?
  a)30 days    b)47 days      c)32 days      d)24 days
7.A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days,B and C can do it in 15 days and C and A can do
  the same work in 20 days. How long would each take to complete the job?
  a)1/30,1/20,1/60     b)1/20,1/30,1/30       c)1/20,1/20,1/20       d)1/60,1/0,1/30
8.A and B can do a work in 12 days,B and C in 15 days and C and A in 20 days.They all work
  together for 6 days and then A left.In how many more days can B and C finish the remaining
  a)5 days     b)6 days       c)8 days       d)9 days
9.A can do a work in 12 days.When he had worked for 3 days B joined him.If they complete the
  work in 3 more days.In how many days can B alone can finish the work?
  a)5 days     b)6 days       c)8 days       d)9 days
10.A and B together can do a piece of work in 14 2/5 days;B and C together can do the same
   work in 12 days.After A worked for 8 days,B for 12 days C takes up and finished it alone
   in 6 days.In how many days will each of them do the work,working alone?
  a)28 days    b)24 days      c)36 days      d)20 days
11.To do a certain work C alone takes twice as long as A and B together.A would take 3 times
   as long as B and C together.All three together complete the work in 5 days.How long would
   each take separately?
  a)15 days    b)29 days      c)20 days      d)10 days
12.4 men or 5 women can construct a wall in 82 days.How long will it take 5 men and 4 women to
   do the same?
  a)30 days    b)47 days      c)32 days      d)40days
13.If 9 men and 12 boys can do a piece of work in 4 days and 4 men and 16 boys can do the same
   piece of work in 6 days.how long will 6 men and 24 boys take to complete the same work?
  a)5 days     b)6 days       c)8 days       d)4 days
14.A certain number of men can do a work in 20 days.If there were 4 more men,the work can be
   done in 5 days less.How many men were there initially?
  a)12 days    b)18 days      c)16 days      d)4 days
15.X is 3 times as fast as Y and is able to complete the work in 40 days less than Y.Find the
   time in which they can complete the work together?
  a)12 days    b)17 days      c)19 days      d)15 days
16.Sita can finish some work in 12 days working 4 hours a day.Gita can finish the same in 15
   days working 3 hours a day.In how many days can they finish it working together at 4 1/2
   hours a day?
  a)5 5/31 days b)5 5/32 days  c)5 5/33 days  d)5 5/34 days
17.A alone can do a work in 12 days and B alone in 18 days.If C takes twice as long as A and B
   together,how long will B and C together take to complete the same work?
  a)5 days     b)6 days       c)8 days       d)4 days
18.A and B each working alone can do a work in 10 and 15 days respectively.They started the work
  together but B left after sometime and A finished the remaining work in 5 days.After how many
  days from the start did B leave?
  a)4 days     b)3 days       c)2 days       d)8 days
19.A contractor decided to complete the work in 40 days and employed 60 men at the beginning and
   40 men additionally after 10 days and got the work completed as per schedule.If he had not
   employed the additional men,how many extra days would he have needed to complete the work?
  a)30 days    b)20 days      c)40 days      d)45 days
20.A group of 35 men is employed to complete some work in 48 days.After 33 days,5 more men are
   employed and the work is finished 1 day ealier.If 5 more men were not employed,how many more
   days would it have taken beyond the expected period?
  a)7 day behind schedule
  b)3 day behind schedule
  c)2 day behind schedule
  d)1 day behind schedule
21.A and B working separately can do a piece of work in 6 and 9 days respectively;they work on
   althernate days starting with A on the first day.In how many days will the work be done?
  a)4 days     b)3 days       c)2 days       d)7 days
22.A and B working separately can do a piece of work in 6 and 12 days respectively.They work on
   alternate days starting with A on the first day.In how many days will the work be completed?
    a)4 days   b)3 days       c)2 days       d)8 days
23.A and B working separately,can do a piece of work in 12 and 15 days .They work on alternate
   days starting with A on the first day.In how many days will the work be completed?
   a13 1/4 days b)13 2/4 days  c)13 3/4 days  d)135/4 days
24.A and B working separately can do a piece of work in 20 and 24 days.They work on alternate
   days starting with B on the first day.In how many days will the work be completed?
   a)21 5/6 days       b)21 1/6 days  c)21 4/5 days  d)none of these
25.A ,B and C can do a piece of work in 4,5 and 7 days respectively.They got Rs.415 for the job.
   what is A's share?
   a)120       b)175   c)160   d)140
26.A,B and C contract a work for Rs.4500.A and B together complete 3/5th of the work and then C
   takes over and finished the work.What is the amount got by C?
   a)1200      b)1800  c)1600  d)1400
27.Wages for 40 women for 30 days are Rs,21,600.How many men must work for 25 days to earn Rs.
   14,400 if the daily wages for a man are double that of a women?
   a)12        b)14    c)16    d)19
28.A,B and C can together earn Rs.1,620 in 9 days.A and C can earn Rs.600 in 5 days where as B and
   C in 7 days can earn Rs 910.Find the daily earnings of C?
   a)Rs 60     b)Rs 70 c)Rs 80 d)Rs 90
29.A can do a piece of work in 20 days and B in 30 days.A starts the work and worked for 6 days.
   Then B completed the remaining part of the work.In how many days was the work completed?
   a)24 b)27    c)32    d)34
30.A can do a piece of work in 24 days and B in 48 days.B joins A after A had worked alone for
   6 days.In how many more days would the work get completed?
   a)10 b)11    c)12    d)13
31.P can complete a piece of work in 20 days and Q in 30 days.P worked alone for 4 days and then
   Q  completed the remaining work along with R in 18 days.In how many days can R working alone
   complete the work?
   a)60 b)65    c)80    d)90
32.25 men take 25 days to construct a wall 10 m high.How many men would be required to construct a
   similar wall,which is 8 m high,if it is planned that the work would be completed in 10 days?
   a)32 b)40    c)44    d)48
33.20 cows and 40 goats can be kept for 10 days for Rs.460.What would be the cost of keeping 50
   cows and 30 goats for 12 days if the cost of keeping 5 goats is the same as cost of keeping
   1 cow?
   a)Rs 888    b)Rs 965       c)Rs 1007      d)Rs 1104
34.A,B and C started the work and after completing 1/5th of the work C left.A and B then worked
   for 20 days.C then took over from A and B and completed the remaining portion of the work in
   12 days.If C takes 40 days to complete the work , in how many days wourd A alone or B alone
   complete the work if the efficiencies with which they work is the same?
   a)40 b)60    c)80    d)100
35.A boy is trying to cover a distance of 100 meters.He takes a jump forward and covers 2m,but
   every time he jumps forward he also moves 1m backward.In all,how many jumps would be required
   to cover the distance?
   a)99 b)100   c)98    d)none of these
36.A piece of work can be completed by 10 men in certain number of days.If there were 2 men less
   it would have taken 3 more days to complete the work.In how many days can 24 men complete the
   same work?
   a)2  b)3     c)4     d)5
37.A is 80 % more efficient than B who is 60% more efficient than C.A takes 40 days less than B to
   complete a work. A starts the work and works for 25 days and then B takes over.B then work for
   the next 30 days and then stops.In how much more time can C complete the remaining work?
   a)20 days   b)24 days      c)32 days      d)40 days
38.3 men and 5 women can complete a work in 12 days ,which 5 men and 12 women can complete in 6
   days.In how many days can 4 men and 4 women complete the same work?
   a)7  b)10    c)11    d)12
39.P and Q agreed to complete a job in 15 days for Rs 6200.P can complete the same job in 50 days
   and Q in 30 days.They had to take R to complete the work in time.Find R's share in the money
   earned by them.
   a)Rs 880    b)Rs 1240      c)Rs 1460      d)Rs 2020
40.A and B complete a piece of work in 10 days.B and C in 12 days and C and A in 15 days.All the
   three of them started working and then B left after 4 days.C left 3 days after that and then
   immediately B joined A again to complete the remaining work.In how many days was the work
   a)10 b)12    c)14    d)22


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